Newcomers Red Reborn surprise with a win over the S5 runner-up.

The first week of MPL MY/SG Season 6 has wrapped up with Red Reborn (previously known as Bella Ciao) and EVOS SG on top of the leaderboard with two match wins each.
A completely untested Red Reborn surprised everyone by upsetting Geek Fam 2-1 in the opening match. They went on to defeat fellow newcomer, Divinity Esports on Day 3. Meanwhile, EVOS SG swept Team SMG, and were given an automatic win after Orange Louvre Esports forfeited their match.
- Red Reborn 2 – 1 Geek Fam
- Todak 2 – 1 Team Bosskurr
- EVOS SG 2 – 0 Team SMG
- Team Bosskurr 1 – 2 Resurgence
- Resurgence 0 – 2 Geek Fam
- Red Reborn 2 – 0 Divinity Esports
- EVOS SG 2 – 0 Orange Louvre Esports
Match of the week: Resurgence vs. Geek Fam
Fans were treated to a rematch of the MPL MY/SG S5 grand final between Malaysia’s Geek Fam and Singapore’s Resurgence on the third day of the new season.
Geek Fam were coming off a loss to Red Reborn in the opening match of the season, and were looking for their first win. Resurgence took a 2-1 victory over Team Bosskurr the day before, and were riding on momentum.
Both team’s read of the meta was evident in game one. Geek Fam prioritized Selena, a strong hero who was not adjusted since the last season for Xorn, as well as tanks Uranus and Popol and Kupa.

Resurgence grabbed what Lim “ly4ly4ly4” Yang rated as the only S-tier marksman, Yi Sun-Shin, alongside MLBB’s newest fighter, Khaleed. They also last picked play-making hero, Jawhead, who had potential to catch out the medium to short range heroes on Geek Fam’s side.
Moving as a 4-man unit, Geek Fam made early rotations from their blue buff to Resurgence’s red, into first blood at top on Jason “Jason” Koh’s solo lane Yi Sun-Shin. Resurgence traded back kills, but were consistnetly trailing in gold as they only managed to take down one turret to Geek Fam’s six.
After pushing top lane with Lord and finding a pick onto Kayzeepi’s tank Jawhead, Geek Fam forced a final fight at mid with Artz on Uranus leading the charge as they took the turret down. Without a front line, Resurgence fell to Geek Fam in game one.
Geek Fam’s priority pick on Selena turned out well, as Xorn earned the MVP on this hero with a 2/3/10 KDA.

Interestingly in game two, Resurgence last picked Gusion, one of Ho “Sync” Ee Hong’s signature heroes. Jason was the one however, to use him in-game as Sync was put on Valir duty.
Because Resurgence chose to ban Selena, Geek Fam first picked Pharsa on blue side, and built a team composition around her. Since RSG further prioritized Khaleed and Chou, Geek Fam managed to get their hands on Yi Sun-Shin in the next round of picks.

Running a similar rotation in game one, Geek Fam poked their heads into the top side of the map and invaded Resurgence’s red buff as a four man unit. When Sync overstepped as Valir, Geek Fam caught him out for first blood.
Utilizing their strong early game damage, Geek Fam continued to roll in with the kills that started with the level two invade. By keeping track of the timing of RSG’s buff and out rotating them, Geek Fam kept the pressure on.
After calling out their second Lord, the Malaysian squad were all set to close out the series. As RSG were forced to deal with Lord from the bottom lane, Xorn on Pharsa found a pick onto Valir, nuking him out in one shot.
Despite the numbers disadvantage, Resurgence attempted to make their last stand. Unfortunately, Kazeepi on Chou did not manage to get into the back line, and Sana on Khaleed subsequently fell as well.
Five against two, Geek Fam swiftly ended the game and swept Resurgence 2-0 with superior macro, outpacing their opponents from start to finish — something they weren’t able to accomplish last season.

- EVOS SG (2-0)
- Red Reborn (2-0)
- Geek Fam (1-1)
- Todak (1-0)
- Forsaken (0-0)
- Resurgence (1-1)
- Divinity Esports (0-1)
- Orange Louvre Esports (0-1)
- Team SMG (0-1)
- Team Bosskurr (0-2)

Article courtesy of ONE Esports. Original article can be found here